Third Party Liability

This Third Party Liability is a protection if you are legally liable for causing an injury or damage to other people (known as “third parties”, hence the name of the insurance).

What is it?

This is an insurance coverage for you as a Wolt courier partner. Wolt is the policyholder and it covers the legal liabilities if you cause bodily injury or property damage to third parties while making deliveries or acting in the interest of Wolt on bicycle or away from your vehicle. 

What is covered? 

  • Making deliveries or acting in the interest of Wolt

  • Accidental damages you cause to property that belongs to a third party

  • Accidental bodily injury you cause to a third party 

What is not covered? 

  • When not acting in the interest of Wolt 

  • When causing damage or injury to third party, while driving a motor vehicle

  • Injury to yourself and/or damage to property owned by yourself

  • Damage to and/or loss of delivery items

What should I do in case of an incident? 

  • At the scene, avoid saying “It’s my fault.” Leave that for the insurance to determine!

  • Safety first, if there is anyone injured contact emergency services

  • Get the name, address, phone number & license plate of the other person involved in the incident

  • Take pictures of the damage, if possible

  • Give the third party the contact details of 

  • ​As soon as you are home; report the incident via the Collective Benefits app at


Insurance Product Information Document (IPID)


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